Twistors and Loops Meeting in Marseille
2-6 September, 2019

Rencontres de mathématiques: Théorie des twisteurs et gravitation quantique a boucles
2-6 Septembre, 2019

Giovanni ACQUAVIVA Charles University in Prague
Timothy ADAMO Imperial College London
Sergey ALEXANDROV CNRS Université de Montpellier
Lautaro AMADEI Centre de Physique Théorique
Jiå™Í ÄŒERNÝ Charles University in Prague
Bernardo ARANEDA National University of Córdoba
Abhay ASHTEKAR Penn State University
Ghofrane BEL HADJ AISSA Aix-Marseille Université
Eugenio BIANCHI Pennsylvania State University
Roland BITTLESTON University of Cambridge
Ali BLEYBEL Lebanese University
Dirk BOUWMEESTER UC Santa Barbara
Peter CAMERON University of Cambridge
Qian CHEN ENS de Lyon
Jan Willem DALHUISEN University of Leiden
Elena DE PAOLI University of Roma Tre, CPT Aix-Marseill
Andrea DI BIAGIO Perimeter Institute
Bianca DITTRICH Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Canada
Pietro DONA Pennsylvania State University
Maciej DUNAJSKI University of Cambridge
Maîté DUPUIS Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics , Waterloo
Michael EASTWOOD University of Adelaide
Marco FANIZZA University of Barcelona
Jordan FRANÇOIS University of Mons
Hadleigh FROST University of Oxford
Yoshihiro FUKUMOTO Ritsumeikan University
Florian GIRELLI University of Waterloo
Christophe GOELLER LMU
Matteo GORI Aix-Marseille Université
A. Rod GOVER University of Auckland
Mehmet Asim GUMUS Abdus Salam ICTP Trieste
Jan GUTOWSKI University of Surrey
Efe HAMAMCI Bogazici University
Yannick HERFRAY Université Libre de Bruxelles
Stephen HUGGETT University of Plymouth
Lane HUGHSTON Goldsmiths College, University of London
Maciej KOLANOWSKI University of Warsaw
Kei-Ichi KONDO Chiba University
Jerzy KOWALSKI GLIKMAN University of Wrocław
Thomas KRAJEWSKI Aix-Marseille Université
Kirill KRASNOV University of Nottingham
Miklos LÅNGVIK Åshöjdens grundskola School Finland
Serge LAZZARINI Aix-Marseille Université CPT
Jerzy LEWANDOWSKI University of Warsaw
Hongguang LIU Aix-Marseille Université
Jerzy LUKIERSKI University of Wrocław
Pierre MARTIN-DUSSAUD Penn State University
Pierre MARTINETTI University of Genoa
Lionel MASON University of Oxford
Thierry MASSON CNRS Aix-Marseille Université
Lee MCCULLOCH-JAMES British School of Valencia
Noureddine MEBARKI Mentouri University
Thomas METTLER Goethe University Frankfurt
Dana MIHAI Carnegie Mellon University
Jan NOVÁK Technical University of Liberec
Roger PENROSE University of Oxford
Alejandro PEREZ Aix-Marseille Université - CPT
Francesco PISANI Universita di Pisa
Prim PLANSANGKATE Prince of Songkla University
Tijana RADENKOVIC University of Belgrade
Carlo ROVELLI Aix-Marseille Université
Giorgio SARNO Aix-Marseille Université
Martin SCHOLTZ Charles University in Prague
Yassine SEKHMANI Mohamed V university
Devashish SINGH University of Genoa
George SPARLING University of Pittsburgh
Simone SPEZIALE CNRS Aix-Marseille Université
Joe SWEARNGIN University of California
Arman TAGHAVI CHABERT American University of Beirut
Francesca VIDOTTO The University of Western Ontario
Marko VOJINOVIC Institute of Physics Belgrade
Wolfgang WIELAND Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Canada