Driss AADI | Université Mohammed-V, Rabat |
Arafat ABBAR | Université Gustave Eiffel |
Vidal AGNIEL | ENS Rennes |
Ernst ALBRECHT | University of the Saarland |
Rim ALHAJJ | Universite de Lille |
Eric AMAR | Université Bordeaux 1 |
Loris ARNOLD | Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté |
Hafid BAHAJJI-EL IDRISSI | Université Mohammed-V, Rabat |
Anton BARANOV | St. Petersburg State University |
Frédéric BAYART | Université Clermont Auvergne |
Kelly BICKEL | Bucknell University |
Ievgen BILOKOPYTOV | University of Manitoba |
José BONET | Polytechnic University of Valencia |
Alexander BORICHEV | Aix-Marseille Université |
Marcin BOWNIK | University of Oregon |
Irène CASSELI | Université d'Aix-Marseille |
Benjamin CELARIES | Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée |
Isabelle CHALENDAR | Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée |
Nikolaos CHALMOUKIS | University of Bologna |
Vikramjeet Singh CHANDEL | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Stéphane CHARPENTIER | Aix-Marseille Université |
Bernard CHEVREAU | Université de Bordeaux |
Raphaël CLOUATRE | University of Manitoba |
Michel CROUZEIX | Université Rennes 1 |
Alberto DAYAN | University of Trondheim |
Michael DRITSCHEL | Newcastle University |
Hamza EL AZHAR | Université Chouaib Doukkali |
Jean ESTERLE | Université Bordeaux 1 |
Tonie FARES | Université d'Artois |
Stephen FARNHAM | Syracuse University |
Emmanuel FRICAIN | Université de Lille |
Eva GALLARDO | Complutense University of Madrid |
Clifford GILMORE | University College Cork |
Pamela GORKIN | Bucknell University |
Walton GREEN | Clemson University |
Sophie GRIVAUX | CNRS Université de Lille |
Karl GROSSE-ERDMANN | Université de Mons |
Andreas HARTMANN | Université de Bordeaux |
Michael HARTZ | Saarland University |
Friedrich HASLINGER | University of Vienna |
Birgit JACOB | University of Wuppertal |
Aref JERIBI | University of Sfax |
Michael JURY | University of Florida |
Karim KELLAY | Université de Bordeaux |
Lukasz KOSINSKI | Jagiellonian Uniersity |
Daniel KRESSNER | EPF Lausanne |
Stanislas KUPIN | Université Bordeaux |
Eddy KWESSI | Trinity University |
Juliette LEBLOND | Inria Sophia Antipolis |
Pascal LEFEVRE | Université d'Artois |
Daniel LI | Université d'Artois |
Haodong LI | Clemson University |
Constanze LIAW | University of Delaware |
Shuaibing LUO | Hunan University |
Zinaida LYKOVA | Newcastle University |
Javad MASHREGHI | Université Laval |
Xavier MASSANEDA | University of Barcelona |
John MCCARTHY | Washington University in St. Louis |
Quentin MENET | Université de Mons |
Mishko MITKOVSKI | Clemson University |
Shahaf NITZAN | Georgia Tech |
Jan-Fredrik OLSEN | University of Lund |
Marcu-Antone ORSONI | Université de Bordeaux |
Joaquim ORTEGA-CERDA | University of Barcelona |
Caleb PARKS | University of Arkansas |
José A. PELÁEZ | University of Málaga |
Rolando Iii PEREZ | Université de Bordeaux |
Sandra POTT | Lund University |
Elodie POZZI | Saint Louis University |
Hervé QUEFFELEC | Université de Lille 1 |
Thomas RANSFORD | Université Laval, Québec |
Oliver ROTH | University of Wuerzburg |
Eskil RYDHE | University of Leeds & University of Lund |
Jeet SAMPAT | Washington University in St. Louis |
Meredith SARGENT | University of Arkansas |
Felix SCHWENNINGER | University of Twente |
Kristian SEIP | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Alan SOLA | Stockholm University |
Odí SOLER I GIBERT | Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Elizabeth STROUSE | Université Bordeaux 1 |
Pascal THOMAS | Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier |
Dan TIMOTIN | Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics |
Brett WICK | Washington University in St. Louis |
Nicholas YOUNG | Newcastle University & Leeds University |
El-Hassan YOUSSFI | Aix-Marseille Université |
Rachid ZAROUF | Aix-Marseille Université |