Noureddine BENHAMIDOUCHE | University of Msila |
Florent BRÉHARD | CNRS CRIStAL, CNRS, Université de Lille |
Michela CERIA | Polytechnic of Bari |
Pascal CHOSSAT | CNRS Université Nice Sophia Antipolis |
Peter CLARKSON | University of Kent |
María Jesús DE LA PUENTE | Universidad Complutense, Madrid |
Guillaume DHONT | Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale |
Emilie DUFRESNE | University of Nottingham |
Kurusch EBRAHIMI-FARD | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Gianluca FRASCA-CACCIA | University of Kent |
Ryad GHANAM | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Willy HEREMAN | Colorado School of Mines |
Evelyne HUBERT | INRIA Université Côte d'Azur |
Alexander HULPKE | Colorado State University |
Peter HYDON | University of Kent |
Arieh ISERLES | University of Cambridge |
Boris KOLEV | CNRS LMT, ENS Paris Cachan |
Niclas KRUFF | RWTH Aachen University |
Dominique MANCHON | CNRS Université Clermont-Auvergne |
Elizabeth MANSFIELD | University of Kent |
Gloria MARI BEFFA | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Nelson MARTINS-FERREIRA | Polytechnic Institute of Leiria |
Ferdinandi Teo MORA | Universita di Genova |
Hans MUNTHE-KAAS | University of Bergen |
Martin OBERLACK | University of Darmstadt |
Marc OLIVE | Rectorat, Université d'Aix-Marseille |
Peter OLVER | University of Minnesota |
Sheehan OLVER | Imperial College |
Linyu PENG | Waseda University |
Dina RAZAFINDRALANDY | La Rochelle Université |
Fabian REIMERS | Technical University Munich |
Cordian RIENER | UiT Artic University of Norway |
Ana ROJO-ECHEBURÚA | University of Kent |
Vladimir SALNIKOV | CNRS La Rochelle Université |
Alexander SCHMEDING | TU Berlin |
Matthias SEISS | University of Kassel |
Cheri SHAKIBAN | University of St. Thomas |
Maurits SILVIS | University of Groningen |
Michael F. SINGER | North Carolina State University |
Ari STERN | Washington University in St. Louis |
Agnes SZANTO | North Carolina State University |
Olivier VERDIER | HVL & KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Sebastian WALCHER | RWTH Aachen |
Jacques-Arthur WEIL | Université de Limoges |
Yuan XU | University of Oregon |
Michele ZADRA | University of Kent |