Jean Morlet Chair 2017 - School: Random Structures in Statistical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics
6-10 March, 2017

Chaire Jean Morlet 2017 - Ecole : Structures aléatoires en mécanique statistique et physique mathématique
6-10 Mars, 2017

Amine ASSELAH Université Paris-Est Créteil
Erik BATES University of Wisconsin-Madison
Quentin BERGER Sorbonne Université
Debdeep BHATTACHARYA George Washington University
Giuseppe CANNIZZARO University of Warwick
Eric CATOR Radboud University Nijmegen
Alberto CHIARINI University of Padova
Francis COMETS Université Paris Diderot
Clément COSCO Weizmann Institute
Bernard DERRIDA College de France et ENS
Will FITZGERALD University of Warwick
Antoine GODIN Aix-Marseille Université
Pratima HEBBAR University of Maryland
Christopher HOFFMAN University of Washington
Christopher JANJIGIAN Université Paris Diderot
Konstantin KHANIN University of Toronto
Sasa KOCIC University of Mississippi
Arjun KRISHNAN University of Utah
Martin LEGRAS Université Claude Bernard Lyon
Liying LI New York University
Ivan MATIC Baruch College, CUNY
Paolo MILANESI Université Aix-Marseille
Peter NEJJAR IST Austria
Mihai NICA New York University
Christian NOACK University Wisconsin-Madison
Sergazy NURBAVLIYEV University of Utah
Kazuki OKAMURA Kyoto University
Matteo QUATTROPANI Leiden University
Daniel REMENIK University of Chile
Philipp SCHOENBAUER University of Warwick
Donghyun SEO New York University
Timo SEPPALAINEN University of Wisconsin-Madison
Senya SHLOSMAN CNRS Aix-Marseille Université
Lorenzo TAGGI University of Rome La Sapienza
Nikolas TAPIA Institute of Weierstrass
Niccolo TORRI Université Paris Nanterre